average rental price

Average rent in Scotland falls 2.3%

The average rental price in Scotland fell 2.3% between April and May, but remains up on May 2016, according to the latest research.

The Scotland Buy-to-Let Index from Your Move found that the average rent north of the border was £561 per month, 2.2% higher than in May 2016.

The average rental yield for May 2017 was 4.9%, the same rate as May 2016, but down on the 5% recorded in April 2017.

Brian Moran, lettings director at Your Move Scotland, said: “With the general election taking centre stage throughout May, it should come as no surprise that rents ticked down from their previous level.

“Prices in most areas remain above where they were a year ago, with growth coming across a number of areas.

“Tenants are drifting towards city centre living or completely rural life as it was these areas which saw the most interest during May.”

Four of the five regions surveyed saw rents increase in the last year, with the South of Scotland experiencing the fastest rental price growth of 8.8% since May 2016.

The East of Scotland (3.3%), Highlands and Islands (3.2%) and the Edinburgh and Lothians region (2.6%) also saw year-on-year rental growth.

The Glasgow and Clyde region was the only one to see rental decline, falling 0.3% compared with May 2016.

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