Over 7 years agoThe government has announced road improvement schemes worth £45.5m which will help unlock the development of more than 6,000 jobs and nearly 10,000 homes in Leicestershire and the South East
Over 7 years agoInspired Asset Management has secured £20.3m of development finance for two residential schemes in the home counties worth a combined £27m
Over 7 years agoAldermore has supported a Cheltenham-based property developer which has converted Albion House in Gloucester – a Grade II-listed Victorian building – into 22 new apartments
Over 7 years agoUnited Trust Bank (UTB) has provided a loan of £3.2m to help a customer who needed 100% funding to acquire a substantial development site
Over 7 years agoSpecialist lender Amicus Property Finance has been recruited by property firm Primesite Developments to enable the advancement of two of the latter’s flagship Liverpool projects: The Rise and Strand
Over 7 years agoContour Capital has provided a £2.3m mezzanine loan to support the development of a north London scheme with a gross development value of £14m
Over 7 years agoOakNorth has completed a debt finance deal of £3.4m to Equitable Properties Ltd to fund the acquisition and development of 27 new flats in Romford